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Video test

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Video test Empty Video test

Post by ^Jochi Khan^ Wed 23 Jan 2013, 00:27

First attempt at making a game video.
This is with a trial program used prior to validating and registering to obtain the Full program.

^Jochi Khan^
^Jochi Khan^

Number of posts : 245
Location : Wales UK
Job/hobbies : Retired
Registration date : 2008-06-16

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Video test Empty Re: Video test

Post by ^Tomisama^ Wed 23 Jan 2013, 01:21

Congratulations on your first movie!

I have Bandicam also, and have used it for some things.

Nicely done cheers

Number of posts : 232
Registration date : 2008-06-15

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Video test Empty Re: Video test

Post by ^Jochi Khan^ Wed 23 Jan 2013, 14:57

Thanks Tomi.
It was fun experimenting. Now need to get the FullScreen option to work. Very Happy book2

Edit: Hehe .... click watch on YouTube and select Wide screen. sunny
^Jochi Khan^
^Jochi Khan^

Number of posts : 245
Location : Wales UK
Job/hobbies : Retired
Registration date : 2008-06-16

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Video test Empty Re: Video test

Post by ^Tomisama^ Wed 23 Jan 2013, 16:44

I suppose I should say this now rather than later (if it isn’t too late already).

I have both Bandicam and Fraps, and which I use depends on what resolution my finished video is going to be.

In considerable testing, Fraps has proven to be the best for high definition YouTube work, much smoother recordings than Bandicam (Shooting 1920x1080 game resolution recorded in OpenGL for 1080p HD playback).

But Bandi has ease of use of it’s on screen Target Rectangle, and works well and is used widely for battle commentary and smaller resolution playback intentions.

I am considering using both in a possible upcoming video, alternating between radar map (Bandi) with zooms to location shot (Fraps) and back, as the battle progresses.

I have been saving replays from the current Clan Wars contest to use for this.

It’s all in accordance with any energy I might have to do it, we'll see my_advice


Number of posts : 232
Registration date : 2008-06-15

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Video test Empty Re: Video test

Post by ^Tomisama^ Mon 28 Jan 2013, 16:13

Something for free!

Looks good, and you can avoid added software you don't want easily.

Very Happy

Number of posts : 232
Registration date : 2008-06-15

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